Developing Hawaii’s Next Generation of Problem Solvers
2021-2022 Registration for the Competition is closed.
Registration for 2022-2023 will be open in the summer!
$40 per competitor for schools
- Every registered school receives the School Competition Kit to run its program for the year.
- As many students are interested can participate in practices and the School Competition. Registration frees are based on the number of competitors representing the school at the online Chapter Competition.
$80 per non-school competitor (NSC)
- If your school will not register for the Competition Series and will not support their participation through the school, you can register as a non-school competitor (NSC).
- An NSC must be a student in grades 6-8, and students attending home schools or virtual schools are not NCSs.
The National MathClub provides programs that gives educators the materials and support they need to run math clubs.
MathVideo hosts video contests that challenges middle school students to intertwine math, creativity, and technology.
Our Story
The National MATHCOUNTS Competition hold competitions for tens of thousands of middle school students throughout Hawaii, supporting them to the final competition in Washington DC or in Orlando. We hope to foster the next generation of engineers by providing opportunities for youth in STEM.
” Thank you very much for sponsoring MATHCOUNTS! This experience has meant a lot to me, and it wouldn’t have been possible without your support. “
– Allison, 8th Grade