Donate to Hawaii’s Next Generation of Problem Solvers

Opportunities to Donate

Be a part of these life changing opportunities for students in Hawaii

” Thank you for helping MATHCOUNTS in Hawaii. Because of your dedication and effort sponsoring MATHCOUNTS, we had a chance to compete in state and national competitions.”

– Daniel, Hong, Katsutoshi, and Sola (2022 Hawaii MATHCOUNTS Team)

Monthly or One Time Giving

Every student can become a math person, no matter where they come from or how they feel about math right now. Your monthly or one time donations help middle schoolers in Hawaii to gain confidence, problem solving abilities, teamwork and STEM skills. Donate now to support Hawaii’s students in their path to math and STEM careers.

Event Sponsors

MATHCOUNTS Hawaii is seeking event sponsors for our annual events in hosting the MATHCOUNTS Hawaii Competitions. With your monetary donations, we bring each island’s winners to compete in the state competition in Honolulu and the state champions to Washington, D.C. or Orlando, Florida to compete nationally.

Donate Goods or Services

MATHCOUNTS HAWAII needs your help with the donation of airline miles, food for events, printed t-shirts, swag items, and more. If there is are goods or services that you can donate, please use the contact form below to find out more.

At MATHCOUNTS, we want students to have fun with math in middle school.

Why middle school? Because it’s a pivotal time of identity development. Building a love of math in grades 6-8 gives students the tools they need to persevere and reach their full potential in STEM. We can’t wow you with photos of puppies, but our programs do have the power to change students’ lives.

Join us as we change minds about math

And encourage Hawaii’s Next Generation of Problem Solvers

For questions about donations and giving, please contact us below